1. So, what do you think of Kelsier’s plan now? Or his ‘plan within a plan’? How do you feel the late introduction of the kandra and how it fit into Kelsier’s plan?
I thought the Kel's plan had failed at first and then realized that there was a backup plan that required his death. There was a method after all to what seemingly was his monumental ego and over-confidence. What a brave man he was, and using the kandra the way he did was part of his plan to inspire the skaa if and when he needed to die. There was a lot of planning involved in what he wanted to accomplish that we were not made aware of until the last part of the book.. I like him a lot and hope he is with Mare, and telling her all about Vin, the daughter they never had.
2. The final section of the book was very Vin-centric. How do you feel about the choices she made and did you have any worries/fears about what might happen to her before everything was resolved?
I thought it was rash of her to enter Kredik Shaw, but I think Kelsier would have done the same. I believe they were alike in that way. There was definitely a special connection between Kelsier and Vin which I think the other crew members recognized -- also that she herself was special in a way the other Mistborn were not She has been a sympathetic and likeable character from the beginning, and I very much wanted her trust issues to be resolved. She found friendship that she could trust with Kelsier's group. Also, I was glad she found out that Reen did't betray her after all. When she was captured, I didn't think she would be killed, but I certainly didn't want to read about her being tortured either or kept imprisoned. Then, when Sazed appeared in his condition, my fear increased, needlessly as it turned out.
3. After all that we find out that the Lord Ruler wasn’t the prophesied one after all. Surprised? Had you figured it out? What thoughts do you have about the big reveal, including how it tied into Sazed’s people?
I thought he was a fake almost from the very beginning. How could the man who wrote the journal be the inhuman monster we read about? It just didn't jive to my mind. We learned why he was so intent on destroying his own people as well as the skaa so they would not discover his secret and he could stay in power.
4. There was some back and forth about Elend throughout the story and we finally got to see him take a greater stand. Any predictions about what might happen in book two with Elend taking on leadership duties?
Elend has book learning but no practical experience in administration though his intentions are the best. He can learn a lot from Vin and the rest of the crew, and I think he will, but problems and stumbling blocks will arise. I can see his father possibly causing some of them. What a nasty piece of work he is!
5. Lastly, provide a little wrap up of your experience with the book. What do you think Sanderson’s strengths are? How does this book stack up against other fantasies you’ve read?
I'm not a big reader of this type of fantasy, so I can't really make a comparison, but I enjoyed this book immensely and will be reading the next two books along with the group and plan on reading The Way of Kings in the near future. I want to thank Carl for introducing me to this author. He's very skilled when creating the action scenes but also in characterization. The characters seem so real (except for the eye-rolling perhaps) I'm sorry to leave them, however briefly. And, as I've mentioned before, he knows how to draw the reader in and make him/her want more. Excellent job!
So glad to have been a part of this discussion. Thank you all!
I am really glad that Vin found out she could trust people too, and I loved how the betrayal theme was turned on its head when we found out that Reen didn't betray her after all.
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading The Way of Kings. I'm not a real big fantasy reader, especially not high fantasy, and I will say that TWOK was very difficult for me to get into at first. It's very long, and the world is completely different from the world we know. It took me about 400 pages to really get engaged. However, I will also say that it's well worth sticking with, so if you, like me, find it hard at first, I hope you stick with it!
I plan on trying, Amanda.
DeleteYou are right about some of the poignant little plotting that got sorted out in this last section. I liked that Kel left Vin the flower picture: it was such a personal touch and meant a huge amount to her. It was also good to hear that Reen hadn't betrayed her as she thought, but had died to protect her.
ReplyDeleteI think I will need to add The Way of Kings to my TBR list as well: I believe Carl is planning to have a Read Along for the second book in that series once it is published . . . :)
I wouldn't be surprised. I'm looking forward to continuing with this series in June. Still have to read TWOTK. So many books, so little time!
DeleteI hear you there. So many things I'd like to get through that I almost feel bad about re-reading things like I have now.
DeleteBut it was so much fun that it was worth it. :P
I, like the others, hope you stick with TWoK when you pick it up. It is fairly fantastic. :) Cannot wait for 2nd book in that series, but unfortunately we must! I would guess a 2014 release on that one.
Wouldn't it be great if someday Vin could see a beautiful world of greenery and flowers? I hope that does happen eventually.
DeleteI was so pleased to learn that Reen did not betray Vin. He did not leave her and did the opposite...protected her all the way to his death. That has got to have a strong impact on Vin.
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning, I thought the Lord Ruler was a hoax of some sort, I just could not figure out how. But part four sort of did me in and had me believing that he was powerful and immortal. I was very glad to see my original thought was correct. I really like how Sanderson made it very believable that Rashek could maintain power and life for so long. Clever.
You make some really good points - firstly about feeling as though the plan had failed with Kel's death - only to actually continue because his death had been taken into account. Brilliant. I also felt very crestfallen when Kel had died and thought that was the end of the plot. But then in rushed Vin (to save the day!). I actually did like that she did that, very rash I know but I did sort of feel fairly confident about her succeeding.
ReplyDeleteSecondly - I was so pleased for Vin that she discovered her brother hadn't betrayed her - I think that will be such a big thing for her, perhaps her little nagging 'voices' will eventually fade now.
And, thirdly, I never saw the whole LR book journal thing - I just thought that he's snapped or was some sort of maniac or that he'd fundamentally changed as a result of his battles with the dark. I suppose there were plenty of little clues I just didn't really have my eyes open.
I'm really keen to read the next and see whether I'm still wearing the same wool over my eyes!
Lynn :D
Sanderson has a way of springing surprises on the reader. It was uncertain just what happened to the LR until the end.