Following are the discussion questions relating to the past week's reading (Chapters 16-25) provided by Grace:
1. During the past week there’s been a lot of speculation as to the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. Now that we finally know the answer, does it change anyone’s opinions of the Lord Ruler?
It does make me wonder what changed him from a seemingly compassionate man to the tyrant he has become. I'm looking forward to finding the answer as the story continues. Could it be that he is not really the hero prophesied after all, giving substance to his doubts as expressed in the journal?
2. What did you think of Elend’s group of subversive nobles? Do you think that Kelsier is right to dismiss people who could be potential allies, or is this another case of his anti-nobility biases showing?
I believe Kelsier is right to be cautious. Elend's group of young noblemen have no practical knowledge of the skaas' life. It may be just a form of youthful rebellion against their privileged way of life. Even if they are sincere, it seems it would take a lot of work on the part of the crew to make them fully understand what they would be fighting for and against were they to join in overthrowing the government - work that Kelsier and the crew don't really have time for now that their plan has to be revised. However, I feel Elend is important to the story in some way which will be revealed eventually. I like the way Sanderson is very skillful in giving little snippets of information -- just enough to keep the reader interested and wanting to know more.
3. What’s your favorite part of the book so far?
I enjoyed Vin's experiences as she is introduced to court life and how she and Elend seem to be drawn to each other. Elend definitely has some role to play in the future. I also enjoy the revelation of the Keepers (Sazed in particular) and l want to learn more about them. I believe they also have an important role to play in the future.
4. Now that Kelsier’s plan has hit some major stumbling blocks, what do you think will happen next? Do you think he can still succeed in defeating the Lord Ruler?
That remains to be seen, but I don't think he will stop trying. There are probably more stumbling blocks to come, but I think he will stay confident and determined.
Thank you, Grace, for supplying the questions this week, and thanks to Carl for hosting the group read.